Which of the Kardashian Sisters Tested Positive for Covid?



Trump’s “Anonymous” Leaker Comes Forward

What is the scariest film ever made? According to science, it’s the 2012 horror movie Sinister (though a lot of people think science is wrong on this one). But you can only see it on one streaming platform…

Trump is making Chinese social media app TikTok change up their business operations. After pressure, they pulled most of their traffic from the U.S. content delivery service they were using. Do they fear Trump so much that they’re removing themselves before he does it?

What will the side effects from this pandemic be? Though no one can tell for certain, most agree it won’t be good. One of the effects we are already seeing REALLY isn’t good…poverty is rising for the first time in over 20 years.



Khloe Kardashian Admits She Tested Positive for Covid-19 on Their Hit Show


Grey’s Anatomy Main Actress Isn’t Even Sure if They’ll Come Back After This Year

The Rise of Home Projects Caused This Social Media Company to Gain Users – and Revenue