AT&T Now Expects Up to 150M HBO Max Subscribers in 4 Years



L Brands Set to Start Dividends and Repurchases Again 

China is continuing their antimonopoly crackdown on internet companies. To that end, they fined a dozen companies on Friday. The move made investors nervous and made Chinese stocks start to slide…

If you’re looking for a sector to invest in that won’t cool down anytime soon, look into chip companies. The leading chip stocks have hit historic highs from surging orders. I mean, at this point, they are needed for almost all tech innovation…

These days, just saying someone isn’t racist can make you a racist. You can ask Sharon Osbourne, who got that label for defending Piers Morgan (who, in fact, never said anything racist). Now, someone else is claiming Sharon is racist simply because she called them “ghetto”…



HBO Max has a Little Over 17 Million Subscribers – How Do They Expect to Hit 120 to 150 Million in Just 4 Years?


What are the Best Movies on Netflix This Week? Read Here to Find Out

Warner Bros. Makes Changes to Harry Potter Theme Parks – Live Owls to No Longer Be Used