What Challenges Will 23andMe Have as They Go Public?



Why is Ice Cube Suing Investing App Robinhood?

H&M took a stand against forced labor in China…but it didn’t last very long. After they did, China scrubbed the company’s web presence from the country. Now, the company is practically begging to be let back in and pledging not to step out of line again…

At one point in time, companies wouldn’t dare tell Americans how they “must act.” But cancel culture has changed all that. Now, if you go to a Cleveland Indians game and wear war paint or headdress, you will be kicked out or denied entry…

It’s no secret that social media isn’t good for anyone’s mental or physical health. And that’s why super popular Twitter user Chrissy Teigen made news when she stepped away from the platform. But let’s not forget that she was one of the biggest spreaders of misery, anger and hate…



23andMe Will Soon Be Going Public – Here are 5 Challenges the Company will Have to Face 


Dan Crenshaw Gives His Take on Cancel Culture – and It is Nearly Spot On 

UK University Unveils Statue of Great Thunberg – and People are Already Calling It a “Vanity Project”